Thursday, February 26, 2009

Race For the Cure

BOTH of my grandmothers have suffered from breast cancer. I pray that a cure is found before my daughters have to live with this disease! I am running the Race For The Cure again this year. Every step counts!!!

CLICK HERE to pledge your support for my run.

CLICK HERE to register to run with my family and I in Las Vegas on May 2nd.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

In Record Time

I finished today's Fat Boy 5K in 40.01 minutes. Pace time = 13 min/mile. Much improved. Yea me! I didn't have to worry about the slowpoke bus picking up today (even though there actually wasn't one). At the end of the race they handed out donuts, beer, and giant sausages. Hysterical. I grabbed a donut (I'm a diet cheater) and a coke and stretched out, whew!

I have to rant for one small moment though. Tall people should NEVER ever stand in front of the time display. Had that giant bald head not blocked the time, I swear I would have pushed myself to have a 39 second time!!! Argh! Oh well, something to look forward to next time.

CLICK HERE FOR RACE RESULTS and I wasn't even last!

There's a Read & Run 5K next Saturday that I am thinking about doing...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fat Boy 5K

I registered for The Fat Boy 5K (uhh, BOY? sexist?) just because it made me laugh that my larger sized body can give me an advantage! You weigh in (scary) and they subtract your weight from your race time. Holy cow! I'd have a chance at placing!!! It's this Saturday and I am itching to put that little electronic time keeper on my shoe. That thing makes me run faster, don't know why??? Wish me luck!

P.S. I need to get out my mouse ears! I AM officially registered for the Disneyland Half Marathon!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Put My $$$ Where My Mouth Is

I need to refocus! I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK!

Move more, eat less!

I am putting my money where my mouth is and registering for the race. So I am registering for the Disneyland half-marathon TODAY. That's $120 commitment. K? B? H??? (or maybe the 5k which is only a $40 commitment and minus the fear of being picked up by the "You are too damn slow!" bus)

So that's for the "move more", what about the eat less? I was doing so great and then it was my anniversary, birthday, Valentines, vacation. I am a walking excuse! No more. I am starting today ~ as soon as I go get some groceries ~ as soon as I decided my dieting path. South Beach? Sparkpeople? Or Weight Watchers? Too many decisions! Could someone just make them for me please? Here's the deal.

South Beach
  • No counting points or calories (or logging food)
  • I can eat CHEESE galore (I LOVE CHEESE)
  • I get results fast!
  • The "no cheating" allowed or you did-it-for-nothing clause provides for great self-control on my part
  • It's free of meetings/ fees
  • Fast loss= fast gain
  • No carbs, frozen meals (Ya'll know I love cake & bread, right?)
  • No alcohol
  • Hard to accommodate at parties and eating out (and we all know I like to parTAY)
  • Expensive to eat this way (meats, cheese, and veggies only)
  • 4th Day headaches and low energy make running difficult Get a Free Online Diet
  • It's totally FREE!
  • It's a gradual switch to basically a healthier life style ~which is what I want
  • No foods are off limits
  • Factors my exercise in with how much I am allowed to eat. Move more= Eat more
  • Tracks other healthy needs besides calories: fat, vitamins, fiber, cholesterol, etc. so I move to balancing my needs. Sounds super healthy, right?
  • Support from strangers on message boards...a little weird, but if my friends joined wouldn't be so weird.
  • Must log ALL foods
  • I have been known to cheat, but still lose weight. Oops! I forgot to log that bite, does it count?
  • No local friend support or accountability
  • I really need the "buddy system" for anything to work

Weight Watchers

  • No foods are off limits, just have to eat more "0 point" food (veggies) to compensate for crap food.
  • Factors my exercise in with how much I am allowed to eat. Move more = Eat more
  • Weigh in meetings provide somewhat motivational tips but I am with Jen Lancaster (Such A Pretty Fat ~ hysterical memoir, read it!) in that there is entirely too much complaining about cake!
  • Accountability at weekly weigh ins
  • Must log ALL foods (No forgetting allowed)
  • No one I know to do this with me.
  • Again....I really need the "buddy system" for anything to work
  • Again....Super boring meeting in which ladies whine about cake at work!
  • Online tools are expensive =$65 for 3months plus $16/month after
So scrolling back up again it looks like Sparkpeople is the only one whose pros outweigh the cons but it still has a GIANT CON: no friend accountability. What do you guys think? I NEED FEEDBACK in this one, like immediately, so I can hit the grocery store. My cupboards are bare = I don't want to do fast food again! Oh, and I promised Stephen I'd go shopping today, only I can't until I (you) make up my mind about which diet food to stock....HELP!!!