I haven't updated anything in so long!!!
I completed the Disney Half Marathon in September in under my goal time by 3 minutes...woohooo. It was awesome! Unfortunately, I lost my momentum after the race.
I don't know if it's the let down from finishing my giant half-marathon goal from the last year or lack of Anna (my running partner was injured) but I can't seem to get up and just go running. AND I GAINED BACK 9 POUNDS! ARGH!
So I signed myself up for the Turkey Trot 10K Thanksgiving weekend and strapped my running shoes back on yesterday, pressed play on my C25K training again (started on Week 4 and it was TOUGH!) and put myself back out on Sparkpeople.com again!
I hope this gets me back on the road!
6 hours on the ridge - MTB Race Recap
3 days ago
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