Seriously? Who signs up with for a race in LAS VEGAS. In SUMMER. Called RUNNING WITH THE DEVIL? The INSANE, that's who! Did I mention I have always been sensitive to the heat? Even suffered heat exhaustion a few times before? What was I thinking? I will never ever ever ever never do that again. I did not find heat exhaustion pleasant. It took six full days for the dehydration, fatigue, and just plain nasty feeling to go away.
But regardless, here are my STATS...pretty crummy, but I think they are amazing considering it was 95 DEGREES with NO SHADE, and UPHILL for a mile and a half. Did I mention I am NEVER doing this again?

5k Chip Time 43:45
Placed: tied with Ms. Anna for 2nd in our age group!!!!
Pace time 14:04
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