Saturday, March 13, 2010

Training Scedule 3/14-2/20

Sunday: Bike 13miles
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Swim 350 & Body Pump@7:00
Wednesday: BRICK Bike 30 & Run 20
Thursday: Run 20 & Pilates@6:30
Friday: Swim 350 & Spin@4:15
Saturday:Cirque duSoleil 5K

Slow Fat Triathlete

I have been slacking on this blog but am totally excited by one of my newest inspirations, The Slow Fat Triathlete, to blog my experiences, log my training, and race results. OMGoodness! If you are slow fat future triathlete, you've got to read this book! I am encouraged and ready to go! I even joined the Las Vegas Tri Club just this morning to get myself even more motivated! Jayne Williams- I am a fan!